* in Freiburg (DE), based in Berlin (DE)
2006-2012 Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe (DE); Guest-Prof. Andreas Karl Schulze, Prof. Günter Umberg, Guest-Prof. Rainer Splitt, Prof. Tatjana Doll
2011-2012 Masterstudent of Prof. Tatjana Doll
Exhibitions / Projects (choice)
Lichter im Winter / Gallery Susanne Albrecht / Berlin; Farbe im Fokus. Werke aus der Paul Ege Art Collection / Museum PEAC / Freiburg
SI / Raum für Konzepte / Köln; ArtArtist / Messe / Düsseldorf;
Waldbühnen / Black Forest Institute of Art, Lenzkirch, Schwarzwald (DE) / with the project PANCOLORAMA (Black Forest Institute of Art, Lenzkirch, Schwarzwald); Dimensionen / Haus am Kleistpark / Berlin
Workshop, teaching at the HGK Basel with the project Between the pavement, the beach! A slow walk for a green (Basel) / University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, Academy of Art and Design HGK, Institute Contemporary Design Practices ICDP, Interior Architecture and Scenography; Jury activities; fair participations; Artist in Residence in the Lichtenberg Studios, Berlin-Lichtenberg, as part of my Yellow-Red (Berlin) -Tour / intensification of this project with further development of teaching activities & lecture performances from it, for example #Sichtfelder/#FieldsOfView at the Art Academy Karlsruhe.
PANCOLORAMA / AIR / Kunstverein Global Forest / St. im Schwarzwald (DE) / Open Studio, workshops, colorexpeditions with participants, walks, exhibition; Biennale für Freiburg / with the project: Between the pavement, the beach! A slow walk for a green! / green collecting walk with participants, exhibition with the resulting work Green (Freiburg) / Kunstverein Freiburg / Freiburg (DE) / Instagram account which accompanies this work/project: von_ow__green_brown
Start in April of my yellow-red-journey by bike through Berlin / Instagram account which accompanies the work: von_ow__yellow_red
Kunst II Natur / symposium, experimental work stay, lecture on the work and reflections on Paul Cézannes quotation „Art is the harmony parallel to nature“, one of the principles of the Museum Insel Hombroich / House of the Musicians, Raketenstation Hombroich (DE); Im Garten der Farben / Works of the Paul Ege Art Collection / PEAC Museum / Freiburg (DE); Die Farben um mich herum (Colors around me) / walk in the urban space of Bernau with reflections on colorings and Color perception in our surroundings / Volksbedarf statt Luxusbedarf – Bernau und sein Bauhaus (People‘s needs instead of luxury needs – Bernau and his Bauhaus) of the Bahaus aniversary / Invited by Natalie Obert and Julia Herfurth
Blickwechsel / Kunstraum Alexander Bürkle / works of the collection of the Ege Kunst- & Kultur-stiftung (DE); Ausstellung 1 / Verein für aktuelle Kunst / Oberhausen (DE); Haus Pfeffermann / art project in the Rhön (DE)
Giverny / Kunstraum K634 / Köln (DE, solo) ; Ladekastproject / Gallery Phoebus / Rotterdam (NL); Trunk / Kunstverein Lüneburg (DE); Haus Pfeffermann / project in the Rhön (DE) till April 2018; Surrounding / Kunstverein Lüneburg (DE, solo)
Modi des Minimierens / Gallery Clement & Schneider / Bonn (DE) / curated by Dr. Burkard Brunn; The Burglar was set free / temporary projectspace / Köln (DE); Out of the Black / WTC Gallery / Rotterdam (NL); Optic Mountaineering / TENT Rotterdam (NL) / curated by Annina Zimmermann
Zibet / with Daniel Schubert / Galerie Gebr. Lehmann / Dresden (DE); 3×2=8 and Amsterdam Drawing / Cityscapes Galery / Amsterdam (NL); Van Look Price 2015 / E-Werk Freiburg / Freiburg (DE, solo); Jantar Mantar / with David Semper / V8 / Karlsruhe (DE); Going places, Aller-Retour / Atelier Mondial / Basel (CH)
D‘ont you eat that yellow snow! / Stichting Kaus Australis / Rotterdam (NL, solo); Ka-Boom / Kunstverein Wiesen (DE); Unter einer Decke / Mischpoke e.V. Mönchengladbach (DE); 300° HABEN WIR NOCH ZEIT / with Jörg Gelke / L6 / Freiburg (DE)
Beeing Specific! / Kunsthaus Baselland / Muttenz (CH); Blind Date / Kunstgalerie Bonn / Bonn (DE); Bilder im Fluß – Eine Videoausstellung / Kunstraum Alexander Bürkle / Freiburg (DE); Bob‘s Service / exhibition project in an old gas station / Wuppertal (DE); Sol Lewitt loves pancakes / ZIP / Basel (CH); 8 Jahre V8 / V8 / Karlsruhe (DE)
Zwischenraum_01 / Berlin (DE, solo); Hidden/Obvious / House of Electronik Arts Basel / Basel (CH); TOP 12 / Städtische Galerie Karlsruhe (DE); ERNTE‘12 / Kunsthaus Baselland / Muttenz (CH); Hit the road Jack! / ZIP / Basel (CH, solo)
Von Tieren, Elektronen und anderen Lügen. / House of Electronic Arts Basel (CH); I did it again / L6 / Freiburg (DE)
Stipendiums / Grants:
2023 Neustart Kultur Plus, Stiftung Kunstfonds (DE); 2022 Neustart Kultur II, Stiftung Kunstfonds (DE); 2021 Research stipendium, Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe; 2020 Neustart Kultur, Stiftung Kunstfonds (DE); 2016 Reinhold-Schneider-Preis 2015; Award of the Van Look Foundation; 2014 Stipendium of IAAB / Christoph Merian Foundation / Artist in Residence in Rotterdam (NL); 2013 Stipendium of Stiftung Kunstfonds; 2010 Academy award (nomination); 2009 Academy award / annual exhibition of the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe (DE)
Bibliography, Publications:
2023 PEAC Collection catalogue; Publication of the exhibition Dimensionen, Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin, Text: Diana Thun; 2022 The Answering Project / Cecilia Cissi Hultman / Black Forest Institute of Art; 2020 Aquarelle / self published artist book; 2019 Farbe räumlich denken / TU Darmstadt / Authors: Kerstin Schultz, Hedwig Wiedemann-Tokarz, Eva Maria Herrmann, Birkhäuser Verlag Basel (CH); 2017 Andreas von Ow_Rotterdam / self published artist book / Text: Volker Bauermeister; 2015 Van Look-Preis / publication for the art price / Text: Volker Bauermeister; 2013 Sammeln um zu sehen / Kunstraum Alexander Bürkle (PEAC), Cataloque of the collection; 2011 Zwischenraum_01 / self published artist book / Text: Dr. Thomas Schlereth; 2011 Außerhalb / publication of the project „Außerhalb“ of the Kunstbüro Baden-Württemberg, together with plan b